
What is Swedish massage? many of us wonder about what is actually Swedish massage when we see it on the list of service in one of your favourite massage place. Swedish massage is one kind of massage that been popular over decades, when it comes to mind relaxing, this will be perfect massage for you release tension. It provides a gentle and soothing massage generally focusing on a particular problem area. This massage will specifically target either the head, neck and shoulders to help release stress and ease tight muscles, at any time throughout the treatment you can always ask the therapist if you would like to adjust the pressure to be firmer or softer. The best healing relaxation massage & Day Spa Melbourne CBD in North Melbourne, Melbourne CBD we give you an extraordinary care,  for experience consider a Relax Day Spa relaxation massage in North Melbourne, Melbourne CBD, Dockland, West Melbourne, Kensington, Flemington, Parkville, Carlton, and the surrounding Melbourne suburbs


256 Victoria St, North Melbourne VIC 3051, Australia

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